Johnny Matthews | Creating a Backup and Restore Procedure

We're going to quickly run through how to set up a backup and restore procedure for your DKAN installation. This was written on 25th of April 2017.

This is essentially just a cheatsheet for myself, but it might come in handy for someone else one day. Good luck!



  1. SSH into your server.
  2. Run sudo apt-get install composer.


  1. Run the following commands:

    sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev build-essential -y
    sudo pip install --upgrade pip
    sudo pip install --upgrade virtualenv

Downloading the Scripts

  1. SSH into your server.
  2. Change directory into your DKAN installation: cd /var/www/html
  3. Clone the GitHub repository: git clone

Installing the Scripts

These instructions can be found on the GitHub repo home page, and inside

  1. Run cd dkan_backup_procedure to move into the repo folder.

  2. Run cp .env-example .env to copy and rename .env-example to .env.

  3. Edit the .env file to relfect the details of the server you are connected to:

  4. Run composer install to install all the PHP dependencies.

  5. Install pip by running the following:

    sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev build-essential -y
    sudo pip install --upgrade pip
    sudo pip install --upgrade virtualenv
  6. Install AWS CLI by running pip install awscli --upgrade --user

  7. Add the following line into ~/.bashrc:

    export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH
  8. Run source ~/.bashrc

  9. Run aws configure and fill out the form, inputting the correct credentials into each section.

    AWS Access KEY ID [None]: PASTE_KEY_HERE
    AWS Secret Access Key [None]: PASTE_KEY_HERE
    Default region name [None]: eu-west-1
    Default output format [None]: json